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Welcome to the Online Capoeira Class Portal

Here you will find access to a library of online Capoeira classes.  A sample class is below for you to try.  If you enjoy the content and want full access to the library we ask that you make a donation to the scholarship fund of the not for profit ABCCNJ.  Your donation will allow a child to have the opportunity to train Capoeira and is tax deductible. 

Private Capoeira Classes in our Academy. Six classes a week are available to be scheduled.

For full access to the Library of Videos click this link.  It will require a password. 

All of the students of Capoeira Guerreiros are given a password.


To make a donation to the scholarship fund click this link.  

All ABCCNJ donors have full access to this website to see all the work we do including password protected pages.

2024, Afro Brazilian Cultural Center of New Jersey Coordinator: Mestre Gaivota

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